Working Group "Promoting Young Talents"

Promoting young academics is an important goal of the VHB, because the future development of business administration in the German-speaking world depends to a large extent on the promotion of young academics, i.e. the academics in business administration of tomorrow. Therefore, this also means promoting our discipline. We think of young talents in a broad sense and understand it to include "not" only holders of qualification or tenure track positions and junior professors, but also doctoral students in business administration. We want to be the mouthpiece of these young scientists in the VHB.

In our working group, we develop new concepts for the promotion of young talents and are the contact point for ideas, suggestions and proposals in this regard. The interaction of young scientists accross the sub-disciplines of business administration is a special concern of ours. Moreover, we work in an interdisciplinary manner and seek exchange with other disciplines. 

Our working group pursues the following goals:

  • to identify current challenges for scientific talents in business administration and to bring them to the attention of the association
  • to show possible solutions and encourage their dicussion in the VHB
  • to improve VHB's offer for young academics
  • to increase the attractiveness of VHB for young scientists in business administration

The VHB pursues specific projects to support and promote young academics (especially VHB-ProDok, Career Panel). We want to be a constructive companion to those and future projects of VHB.

If you have any questions or suggestions, please feel free to contact any member of the working group - even if you are not (yet) a member of VHB.

Dr. Jana Bövers
Universität Bielefeld


Jun.-Prof. Dr. Ulf Brüggemann
Humboldt University of Berlin


Prof. Dr. Lena Steinhoff
University Paderborn
(Speaker of the Working Group)


Prof. Dr. Marlin Ulmer
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg

Prof. Dr. Simone Wies
Goethe University Frankfurt


All information about topics for young scientists in business administration can be found at